Equine Rehab
Rehabilitation Appointments
Equine Rehabilitation & Pole Work Appointments
Very often we see horses who need rehabilitation from injury or illness and this is where our Equine Massage therapist may be asked to assist. Following physiotherapy, a rehabilitation program may be prescribed by one of our Veterinary Physiotherapists.
Rehabilitation can come in many forms. These can include longreining, the use of complementary 'tools' such as an Equi-Lami, Pessoa or sometimes the simple use of poles to encourage and increase core strength, body awareness.
Our Equine Massage Therapist will show you how to undertake these exercises, or can do the session for you - Depending on your personal needs.

Important Information
Although our rehabilitation and pole work sessions are often used alongside physiotherapy, we still require as much information as possible about your horse. If you are an existing client of Sune Du Toit & Associates, the completion of our forms is usually pretty straightforward - Just tell us about any changes that have happened since the last physiotherapy treatment. However, if you are a new client of Sune Du Toit & Associates, the forms will require information such as turnout and exercise routines, any injuries that the horse has received, saddle and farrier details and much more! We love information!

During your appointment, your clinician may do the following exercises. They will also show you how to undertake these exercises yourself - There is no escaping homework with us! If at any time you are unsure of what is being asked. Please do say!
The use of poles either in straight lines with longreins, in hand or on a lunge rein.
Using 'bubble training' methods.
Gentle stretching exercises.
Ridden work if required.
Body awareness exercises.
Massage therapy

After Treatment
Just like you would with any of our other treatment options, following your rehabilitation and pole work session, you will receive your horses notes which outline any findings that were noted during the appointment and any exercises that were done. The notes may also outline any future appointments that may need to be undertaken, as well as a description of 'homework' that is required.
We will only share these notes with you, as our client and other clinician within the practice. You and your horses confidentiality is of the highest priority to us at all times.