Equine Physiotherapy
What to expect from equine physiotherapy
Equestrian Physiotherapy Appointments
One comment that always comes up from the owners and carers of our new equestrian patients is "I didn't realise the appointment would be so thorough!" What sets Sune Du Toit & Associates apart from many other Veterinary Physiotherapists is the assessments and after care that are given to each and every equine patient - Existing or new patients. If you're a new patient, please read what happens at each of our physiotherapy appointments for the equine athlete.

Information is Key!
Forms! We like to have as much information as possible about your horse before we treat them. We like to know when your saddle was last checked, when their hooves were last attended to, what they're like to ride, if they favour a particular direction, if they're difficult to mount. Then we like to know about their workload, their turnout schedule, how many hours they are stabled for and any items you use for lunging.
All of this information helps to gain the best possible insight into the equine athlete before we even arrive on to your yard.

During your appointment, your clinician will do the following assessments before treatment and make notes. Please ensure you have a lunge line, a bridle and safety gear (if required)
A dynamic assessment of the conformation & muscular mapping of the horse.
5m turns in both directions.
Rein back.
Walk & Trot up on a firm surface.
Lunge in walk, trot & canter, on both reins on a soft surface.
Occasionally additional assessments may be requested.

A variety of treatments can be used on your horse to achieve the desired results, depending on what issues are found during the assessment. These can include massage, electrotherapy, deep-tissue mobilisation, kinesio taping, soft tissue manipulation, laser therapy, TENS, massage and reciprocal inhibition (this looks like a slapping movement but it isn't!)
If at any time you are unsure of what your clinician is doing, please ask. We're here to answer any questions that you may have about your horses treatment and care. Following treatment, a post-treatment assessment will then be undertaken.

After Treatment
After treatment, a reassessment of the dynamic gait is done. A complete set of notes are completed. You will be sent a summary of findings and on request, a full report. We will only send the report to your veterinary surgeon if we have obtained owner consent to do so.
You post treatment notes will outline a return to work plan as some horses may require 24-48 hours off from work. You may also be given some exercises to do in the form of poles, stretches and baited stretches. Your clinician will have discussed any exercises during your appointment and offered a demonstration